Dienstag, 17. September 2013


Inspiration hit. Here's the first blog post to that blog that we have been meaning to write. What provided the inspiration, you ask? No sunset, no meal, music or anything that involves a cat ...

Inspiration today came in the form of a backpack. I know! And it hasn't even been made yet. In fact, it only lives as a KickStarter campaign. I'm seriously considering shelling out more than 200 USD to get a bag delivered by 2014.

There is just the right mix of goofy and earnest to the Minaal boys, their travel pictures look amazing and something in their tone and voice and demeanor makes me want to pack a bag and go hit the road right now. Plus: Awesome video. And we know how hard these are to make. In just the time I was writing this I have watched people contribute more than 5.000 $ to this campaign. That's pretty epic.

What do you think? Wouldn't this be an awesome bag to have? Where do you wanna go? Who knew that a random KickStarter campaign could also kickstart a blog. Hah.